'use strict'; /*! main.js - v0.1.1 * http://admindesigns.com/ * Copyright (c) 2015 Admin Designs;*/ /* Core theme functions required for * most of the themes vital functionality */ var Core = function(options) { // Variables var Window = $(window); var Body = $('body'); var Navbar = $('.navbar'); var Topbar = $('#topbar'); // Constant Heights var windowH = Window.height(); var bodyH = Body.height(); var navbarH = 0; var topbarH = 0; // Variable Heights if (Navbar.is(':visible')) { navbarH = Navbar.height(); } if (Topbar.is(':visible')) { topbarH = Topbar.height(); } // Calculate Height for inner content elements var contentHeight = windowH - (navbarH + topbarH); // SideMenu Functions var runSideMenu = function(options) { // If Nano scrollbar exist and element is fixed, init plugin if ($('.nano.affix').length) { $(".nano.affix").nanoScroller({ preventPageScrolling: true }); } // Sidebar state naming conventions: // "sb-l-o" - SideBar Left Open // "sb-l-c" - SideBar Left Closed // "sb-l-m" - SideBar Left Minified // Same naming convention applies to right sidebar // SideBar Left Toggle Function var sidebarLeftToggle = function() { // If sidebar is set to Horizontal we return if ($('body.sb-top').length) { return; } // We check to see if the the user has closed the entire // leftside menu. If true we reopen it, this will result // in the menu resetting itself back to a minified state. // A second click will fully expand the menu. if (Body.hasClass('sb-l-c') && options.collapse === "sb-l-m") { Body.removeClass('sb-l-c'); } // Toggle sidebar state(open/close) Body.toggleClass(options.collapse).removeClass('sb-r-o').addClass('sb-r-c'); triggerResize(); }; // SideBar Right Toggle Function var sidebarRightToggle = function() { // If sidebar is set to Horizontal we return if ($('body.sb-top').length) { return; } // toggle sidebar state(open/close) if (options.siblingRope === true && !Body.hasClass('mobile-view') && Body.hasClass('sb-r-o')) { Body.toggleClass('sb-r-o sb-r-c').toggleClass(options.collapse); } else { Body.toggleClass('sb-r-o sb-r-c').addClass(options.collapse); } triggerResize(); }; // SideBar Left Toggle Function var sidebarTopToggle = function() { // Toggle sidebar state(open/close) Body.toggleClass('sb-top-collapsed'); }; // Sidebar Left Collapse Entire Menu event $('.sidebar-toggle-mini').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // If sidebar is set to Horizontal we return if ($('body.sb-top').length) { return; } // Close Menu Body.addClass('sb-l-c'); triggerResize(); // After animation has occured we toggle the menu. // Upon the menu reopening the classes will be toggled // again, effectively restoring the menus state prior // to being hidden if (!Body.hasClass('mobile-view')) { setTimeout(function() { Body.toggleClass('sb-l-m sb-l-o'); }, 250); } }); // Check window size on load // Adds or removes "mobile-view" class based on window size var sbOnLoadCheck = function() { // If sidebar menu is set to Horizontal we add // unique custom mobile css classes if ($('body.sb-top').length) { // If window is < 1080px wide collapse both sidebars and add ".mobile-view" class if ($(window).width() < 900) { Body.addClass('sb-top-mobile').removeClass('sb-top-collapsed'); } return; } // Check Body for classes indicating the state of Left and Right Sidebar. // If not found add default sidebar settings(sidebar left open, sidebar right closed). if (!$('body.sb-l-o').length && !$('body.sb-l-m').length && !$('body.sb-l-c').length) { $('body').addClass(options.sbl); } if (!$('body.sb-r-o').length && !$('body.sb-r-c').length) { $('body').addClass(options.sbr); } if (Body.hasClass('sb-l-m')) { Body.addClass('sb-l-disable-animation'); } else { Body.removeClass('sb-l-disable-animation'); } // If window is < 1080px wide collapse both sidebars and add ".mobile-view" class if ($(window).width() < 1080) { Body.removeClass('sb-r-o').addClass('mobile-view sb-l-m sb-r-c'); } resizeBody(); }; // Check window size on resize // Adds or removes "mobile-view" class based on window size var sbOnResize = function() { // If sidebar menu is set to Horizontal mode we return // as the menu operates using pure CSS if ($('body.sb-top').length) { // If window is < 1080px wide collapse both sidebars and add ".mobile-view" class if ($(window).width() < 900 && !Body.hasClass('sb-top-mobile')) { Body.addClass('sb-top-mobile'); } else if ($(window).width() > 900) { Body.removeClass('sb-top-mobile'); } return; } // If window is < 1080px wide collapse both sidebars and add ".mobile-view" class if ($(window).width() < 1080 && !Body.hasClass('mobile-view')) { Body.removeClass('sb-r-o').addClass('mobile-view sb-l-m sb-r-c'); } else if ($(window).width() > 1080) { Body.removeClass('mobile-view'); } else { return; } resizeBody(); }; // Function to set the min-height of content // to that of the body height. Ensures trays // and content bgs span to the bottom of the page var resizeBody = function() { var sidebarH = $('#sidebar_left').outerHeight(); var cHeight = (topbarH + navbarH + sidebarH); Body.css('min-height', cHeight); }; // Most CSS menu animations are set to 300ms. After this time // we trigger a single global window resize to help catch any 3rd // party plugins which need the event to resize their given elements var triggerResize = function() { setTimeout(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); if(Body.hasClass('sb-l-m')) { Body.addClass('sb-l-disable-animation'); } else { Body.removeClass('sb-l-disable-animation'); } }, 300) }; // Functions Calls sbOnLoadCheck(); $("#toggle_sidemenu_t").on('click', sidebarTopToggle); $("#toggle_sidemenu_l").on('click', sidebarLeftToggle); $("#toggle_sidemenu_r").on('click', sidebarRightToggle); // Attach debounced resize handler var rescale = function() { sbOnResize(); } var lazyLayout = _.debounce(rescale, 300); $(window).resize(lazyLayout); // // 2. LEFT USER MENU TOGGLE // // Author Widget selector var authorWidget = $('#sidebar_left .author-widget'); // Toggle open the user menu $('.sidebar-menu-toggle').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Horizontal menu does not support sidebar widgets // so we return and prevent the menu from opening if ($('body.sb-top').length) { return; } // If an author widget is present we let // its sibling menu know it's open if (authorWidget.is(':visible')) { authorWidget.toggleClass('menu-widget-open'); } // Toggle Class to signal state change $('.menu-widget').toggleClass('menu-widget-open').slideToggle('fast'); }); // 3. LEFT MENU LINKS TOGGLE $('.sidebar-menu li a.accordion-toggle').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // If the clicked menu item is minified and is a submenu (has sub-nav parent) we do nothing if ($('body').hasClass('sb-l-m') && !$(this).parents('ul.sub-nav').length) { return; } // If the clicked menu item is a dropdown we open its menu if (!$(this).parents('ul.sub-nav').length) { // If sidebar menu is set to Horizontal mode we return // as the menu operates using pure CSS if ($(window).width() > 900) { if ($('body.sb-top').length) { return; } } $('a.accordion-toggle.menu-open').next('ul').slideUp('fast', 'swing', function() { $(this).attr('style', '').prev().removeClass('menu-open'); }); } // If the clicked menu item is a dropdown inside of a dropdown (sublevel menu) // we only close menu items which are not a child of the uppermost top level menu else { var activeMenu = $(this).next('ul.sub-nav'); var siblingMenu = $(this).parent().siblings('li').children('a.accordion-toggle.menu-open').next('ul.sub-nav') activeMenu.slideUp('fast', 'swing', function() { $(this).attr('style', '').prev().removeClass('menu-open'); }); siblingMenu.slideUp('fast', 'swing', function() { $(this).attr('style', '').prev().removeClass('menu-open'); }); } // Now we expand targeted menu item, add the ".open-menu" class // and remove any left over inline jQuery animation styles if (!$(this).hasClass('menu-open')) { $(this).next('ul').slideToggle('fast', 'swing', function() { $(this).attr('style', '').prev().toggleClass('menu-open'); }); } }); } // Footer Functions var runFooter = function() { // Init smoothscroll on page-footer "move-to-top" button if exist var pageFooterBtn = $('.footer-return-top'); if (pageFooterBtn.length) { pageFooterBtn.smoothScroll({offset: -55}); } } // jQuery Helper Functions var runHelpers = function() { // Disable element selection $.fn.disableSelection = function() { return this .attr('unselectable', 'on') .css('user-select', 'none') .on('selectstart', false); }; // Find element scrollbar visibility $.fn.hasScrollBar = function() { return this.get(0).scrollHeight > this.height(); } // Test for IE, Add body class if version 9 function msieversion() { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); if (msie > 0 || !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv\:11\./)) { var ieVersion = parseInt(ua.substring(msie + 5, ua.indexOf(".", msie))); if (ieVersion === 9) {$('body').addClass('no-js ie' + ieVersion);} return ieVersion; } else { return false; } } msieversion(); // Clean up helper that removes any leftover // animation classes on the primary content container // If left it can cause z-index and visibility problems setTimeout(function() { $('#content').removeClass('animated fadeIn'); },800); } // Delayed Animations var runAnimations = function() { // Add a class after load to prevent css animations // from bluring pages that have load intensive resources if (!$('body.boxed-layout').length) { setTimeout(function() { $('body').addClass('onload-check'); }, 100); } // Delayed Animations // data attribute accepts delay(in ms) and animation style // if only delay is provided fadeIn will be set as default // eg. data-animate='["500","fadeIn"]' $('.animated-delay[data-animate]').each(function() { var This = $(this) var delayTime = This.data('animate'); var delayAnimation = 'fadeIn'; // if the data attribute has more than 1 value // it's an array, reset defaults if (delayTime.length > 1 && delayTime.length < 3) { delayTime = This.data('animate')[0]; delayAnimation = This.data('animate')[1]; } var delayAnimate = setTimeout(function() { This.removeClass('animated-delay').addClass('animated ' + delayAnimation) .one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() { This.removeClass('animated ' + delayAnimation); }); }, delayTime); }); // "In-View" Animations // data attribute accepts animation style and offset(in %) // eg. data-animate='["fadeIn","40%"]' $('.animated-waypoint').each(function(i, e) { var This = $(this); var Animation = This.data('animate'); var offsetVal = '35%'; // if the data attribute has more than 1 value // it's an array, reset defaults if (Animation.length > 1 && Animation.length < 3) { Animation = This.data('animate')[0]; offsetVal = This.data('animate')[1]; } var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: This, handler: function(direction) { console.log(offsetVal) if (This.hasClass('animated-waypoint')) { This.removeClass('animated-waypoint').addClass('animated ' + Animation) .one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() { This.removeClass('animated ' + Animation); }); } }, offset: offsetVal }); }); } // Header Functions var runHeader = function() { // Searchbar - Mobile modifcations $('.navbar-search').on('click', function(e) { // alert('hi') var This = $(this); var searchForm = This.find('input'); var searchRemove = This.find('.search-remove'); // Don't do anything unless in mobile mode if ($('body.mobile-view').length || $('body.sb-top-mobile').length) { // Open search bar and add closing icon if one isn't found This.addClass('search-open'); if (!searchRemove.length) { This.append('
'); } // Fadein remove btn and focus search input on animation complete setTimeout(function() { This.find('.search-remove').fadeIn(); searchForm.focus().one('keydown', function() { $(this).val(''); }); },250) // If remove icon clicked close search bar if ($(e.target).attr('class') == 'search-remove') { This.removeClass('search-open').find('.search-remove').remove(); } } }); // Init jQuery Multi-Select for navbar user dropdowns if ($("#user-status").length) { $('#user-status').multiselect({ buttonClass: 'btn btn-default btn-sm', buttonWidth: 100, dropRight: false }); } if ($("#user-role").length) { $('#user-role').multiselect({ buttonClass: 'btn btn-default btn-sm', buttonWidth: 100, dropRight: true }); } // Dropdown Multiselect Persist. Prevents a menu dropdown // from closing when a child multiselect is clicked $('.dropdown-menu').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var Target = $(e.target); var TargetGroup = Target.parents('.btn-group'); var SiblingGroup = Target.parents('.dropdown-menu').find('.btn-group'); // closes all open multiselect menus. Creates Toggle like functionality if (Target.hasClass('multiselect') || Target.parent().hasClass('multiselect')) { SiblingGroup.removeClass('open'); TargetGroup.addClass('open'); } else { SiblingGroup.removeClass('open'); } }); // Sliding Topbar Metro Menu var menu = $('#topbar-dropmenu'); var items = menu.find('.metro-tile'); var metroBG = $('.metro-modal'); // Toggle menu and active class on icon click $('.topbar-menu-toggle').on('click', function() { // If dropmenu is using alternate style we don't show modal if (menu.hasClass('alt')) { // Toggle menu and active class on icon click menu.slideToggle(230).toggleClass('topbar-menu-open'); metroBG.fadeIn(); } else { menu.slideToggle(230).toggleClass('topbar-menu-open'); $(items).addClass('animated animated-short fadeInDown').css('opacity', 1); // Create Modal for hover effect if (!metroBG.length) { metroBG = $('
').appendTo('body'); } setTimeout(function() { metroBG.fadeIn(); }, 380); } }); // If modal is clicked close menu $('body').on('click', '.metro-modal', function() { metroBG.fadeOut('fast'); setTimeout(function() { menu.slideToggle(150).toggleClass('topbar-menu-open'); }, 250); }); } // Tray related Functions var runTrays = function() { // Match height of tray with the height of body var trayFormat = $('#content .tray'); if (trayFormat.length) { // Loop each tray and set height to match body trayFormat.each(function(i,e) { var This = $(e); var trayScroll = This.find('.tray-scroller'); This.height(contentHeight); trayScroll.height(contentHeight); if (trayScroll.length) { trayScroll.scroller(); } }); // Scroll lock all fixed content overflow $('#content').scrollLock('on', 'div'); }; // Debounced resize handler var rescale = function() { if ($(window).width() < 1000) { Body.addClass('tray-rescale'); } else { Body.removeClass('tray-rescale tray-rescale-left tray-rescale-right'); } } var lazyLayout = _.debounce(rescale, 300); if (!Body.hasClass('disable-tray-rescale')) { // Rescale on window resize $(window).resize(lazyLayout); // Rescale on load rescale(); } // Perform a custom animation if tray-nav has data attribute var navAnimate = $('.tray-nav[data-nav-animate]'); if (navAnimate.length) { var Animation = navAnimate.data('nav-animate'); // Set default "fadeIn" animation if one has not been previously set if (Animation == null || Animation == true || Animation == "") { Animation = "fadeIn"; } // Loop through each li item and add animation after set timeout setTimeout(function() { navAnimate.find('li').each(function(i, e) { var Timer = setTimeout(function() { $(e).addClass('animated animated-short ' + Animation); }, 50 * i); }); }, 500); } // Responsive Tray Javascript Data Helper. If browser window // is <575px wide (extreme mobile) we relocate the tray left/right // content into the element appointed by the user/data attr var dataTray = $('.tray[data-tray-mobile]'); var dataAppend = dataTray.children(); function fcRefresh() { if ($('body').width() < 585) { dataAppend.appendTo($(dataTray.data('tray-mobile'))); } else { dataAppend.appendTo(dataTray); } }; fcRefresh(); // Attach debounced resize handler var fcResize = function() { fcRefresh(); } var fcLayout = _.debounce(fcResize, 300); $(window).resize(fcLayout); } // Form related Functions var runFormElements = function() { // Init Bootstrap tooltips, if present var Tooltips = $("[data-toggle=tooltip]"); if (Tooltips.length) { if (Tooltips.parents('#sidebar_left')) { Tooltips.tooltip({ container: $('body'), template: '' }); } else { Tooltips.tooltip(); } } // Init Bootstrap Popovers, if present var Popovers = $("[data-toggle=popover]"); if (Popovers.length) { Popovers.popover(); } // Init Bootstrap persistent tooltips. This prevents a // popup from closing if a checkbox it contains is clicked $('.dropdown-menu.dropdown-persist').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); // Prevents a dropdown menu from closing when // a nav-tabs menu it contains is clicked $('.dropdown-menu .nav-tabs li a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).tab('show') }); // Prevents a dropdown menu from closing when // a btn-group nav menu it contains is clicked $('.dropdown-menu .btn-group-nav a').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); // Remove active class from btn-group > btns and toggle tab content $(this).siblings('a').removeClass('active').end().addClass('active').tab('show'); }); // if btn has ".btn-states" class we monitor it for user clicks. On Click we remove // the active class from its siblings and give it to the button clicked. // This gives the button set a menu like feel or state if ($('.btn-states').length) { $('.btn-states').on('click', function() { $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); }); } // If a panel element has the ".panel-scroller" class we init // custom fixed height content scroller. An optional delay data attr // may be set. This is useful when you expect the panels height to // change due to a plugin or other dynamic modification. var panelScroller = $('.panel-scroller'); if (panelScroller.length) { panelScroller.each(function(i, e) { var This = $(e); var Delay = This.data('scroller-delay'); var Margin = 5; // Check if scroller bar margin is required if (This.hasClass('scroller-thick')) { Margin = 0; } // Check if scroller bar is in a dropdown, if so // we initilize scroller after dropdown is visible var DropMenuParent = This.parents('.dropdown-menu'); if (DropMenuParent.length) { DropMenuParent.prev('.dropdown-toggle').on('click', function() { setTimeout(function() { This.scroller(); $('.navbar').scrollLock('on', 'div'); },50); }); return; } if (Delay) { var Timer = setTimeout(function() { This.scroller({ trackMargin: Margin, }); $('#content').scrollLock('on', 'div'); }, Delay); } else { This.scroller({ trackMargin: Margin, }); $('#content').scrollLock('on', 'div'); } }); } // Init smoothscroll on elements with set data attr // data value determines smoothscroll offset var SmoothScroll = $('[data-smoothscroll]'); if (SmoothScroll.length) { SmoothScroll.each(function(i,e) { var This = $(e); var Offset = This.data('smoothscroll'); var Links = This.find('a'); // Init Smoothscroll with data stored offset Links.smoothScroll({ offset: Offset }); }); } } return { init: function(options) { // Set Default Options var defaults = { sbl: "sb-l-o", // sidebar left open onload sbr: "sb-r-c", // sidebar right closed onload sbState: "save", //Enable localstorage for sidebar states collapse: "sb-l-m", // sidebar left collapse style siblingRope: true // Setting this true will reopen the left sidebar // when the right sidebar is closed }; // Extend Default Options. var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Call Core Functions runHelpers(); runAnimations(); runHeader(); runSideMenu(options); runFooter(); runTrays(); runFormElements(); } } }(); // Global Library of Theme colors for Javascript plug and play use var bgPrimary = '#4a89dc', bgPrimaryL = '#5d9cec', bgPrimaryLr = '#83aee7', bgPrimaryD = '#2e76d6', bgPrimaryDr = '#2567bd', bgSuccess = '#70ca63', bgSuccessL = '#87d37c', bgSuccessLr = '#9edc95', bgSuccessD = '#58c249', bgSuccessDr = '#49ae3b', bgInfo = '#3bafda', bgInfoL = '#4fc1e9', bgInfoLr = '#74c6e5', bgInfoD = '#27a0cc', bgInfoDr = '#2189b0', bgWarning = '#f6bb42', bgWarningL = '#ffce54', bgWarningLr = '#f9d283', bgWarningD = '#f4af22', bgWarningDr = '#d9950a', bgDanger = '#e9573f', bgDangerL = '#fc6e51', bgDangerLr = '#f08c7c', bgDangerD = '#e63c21', bgDangerDr = '#cd3117', bgAlert = '#967adc', bgAlertL = '#ac92ec', bgAlertLr = '#c0b0ea', bgAlertD = '#815fd5', bgAlertDr = '#6c44ce', bgSystem = '#37bc9b', bgSystemL = '#48cfad', bgSystemLr = '#65d2b7', bgSystemD = '#2fa285', bgSystemDr = '#288770', bgLight = '#f3f6f7', bgLightL = '#fdfefe', bgLightLr = '#ffffff', bgLightD = '#e9eef0', bgLightDr = '#dfe6e9', bgDark = '#3b3f4f', bgDarkL = '#424759', bgDarkLr = '#51566c', bgDarkD = '#2c2f3c', bgDarkDr = '#1e2028', bgBlack = '#283946', bgBlackL = '#2e4251', bgBlackLr = '#354a5b', bgBlackD = '#1c2730', bgBlackDr = '#0f161b';